Roles and Responsibilities of the Local Executive

According to the Local Constitution, Section....

16. The duties of the executive committee shall be
(a) to prepare the agenda of business for all meetings;
(b) to exercise general supervision of the affairs of the local association;
(c) to prepare and transmit to the head office of The Alberta Teachers’ Association such reports and statements with reference to the affairs of the local association as may be required by the Provincial Executive Council of The Alberta Teachers’ Association;
(d) to ensure that all Association moneys are used to further the objects of the Association as set out in the Teaching Profession Act;
(e) to ensure that there is liaison between the local and all employing boards within the local; and,
(f) when time is of the essence, to assume the functions of the local council.

Duties of Officers as per Northland Local Constitution Revised 2018 02 26–27

21(2) President—The duties of the president shall be

 (a) to serve as chief executive officer of the local;

 (b) to call and preside at all general, special, local council and executive committee meetings of this local association;

 (c) to exercise general supervision over the affairs of this local association; and

(d) to serve as a local representative to representative assemblies.

21(3) Vice-president—The duties of the vice-president shall be

 (a) to take charge of the affairs of this local association in the absence of the president and

 (b) to assist the president in the discharge of his duties.

21(4) Past President—The duties of the past president shall be

 (a) to arrange for all local elections and bi-elections unless declared a candidate in that election;

 (b) to serve as an informal historian of the affairs of the local; and

 (c) to advise on and maintain the local's constitution as directed by general meetings of the local.

21(5) Secretary—The duties of the secretary shall be

 (a) to keep accurate records of all proceedings of this local association;

 (b) to bring before the executive committee of this local association all communications received by the local;

 (c) to prepare and send to the head office of The Alberta Teachers’ Association such statements and reports as may be required from time to time; and

 (d) to prepare and send notices calling all meetings whether regular, special or local council or executive committee.

21(6) Treasurer—The duties of the treasurer shall be

 (a) to prepare at the direction of the executive committee, an annual budget for the local;

 (b) to keep accurate records of all moneys received and collected and to take charge of same;

 (c) to prepare an annual financial statement for audit purposes;

 (d) to make the necessary disbursements of the funds of this local association as authorized by the executive committee or local council; and

 (e) to prepare and send to the head office of The Alberta Teachers’ Association such statements and reports as may be required from time to time.

21(7) Local Representatives—The duties of each local representative of this local shall be

 (a) to represent this local association at all representative assemblies of The Alberta Teachers’ Association;

 (b) to report the proceedings of all representative assemblies to the local council and to such other gatherings as may be decided;

 (c) to attend meetings of the local council of the association; and

 (d) to attend general meetings of this local association.

21(8) School Representatives—The duties of the school representatives shall be to report on the activities of the local council to their respective staffs and such other duties as are requested by the local council or The Alberta Teachers’ Association.

21(9) Communications Officer—It shall be the responsibility of this officer to carry out a communications program with the teachers in the local and between the local and its various publics. All actions of this officer shall be subject to prior approval by the executive of the local.

21(10) Convention Association Representatives—The duties of the convention association representatives shall be

 (a) to ensure the local receives the annual budget and the audited financial statement of the convention association;

 (b) to represent the local on the convention board;

 (c) to liaise with the local professional development committee; and

 (d) to serve as the communications link between the local and the convention association.